Friday, June 20, 2014

Thank you class of 2014!

Dear Class of 2014 Students and Parents,

Thank you so much for an amazing year. I can't believe it went by so fast. It seems like just yesterday they were putting together models of hydroelectric kits and getting snowed in preventing us from our first field trip. This was a VERY special year for me. I wasn't sure if making the decision to go back into the classroom was going to be the right move for me. And I can honestly say it was the best decision I've made professionally and personally. I am SO happy to be teaching again! Working with kids and parents all day is really my passion. I feel so blessed to have had you be a part of my life. As many of you know my son, JR, was at Whitehead in Kindergarten this year and so many of you were a big part of his life this year as well. And as parents you know when someone is important in the eyes of your child, they become extra special to you too. Next year JR will be attending our zoned school to allow him to make neighborhood friends, but I know he will miss seeing all of thank you for being a part of his life as well!

Thank you also for being so patient as I relearned all the little in's and out's of working in a classroom daily again. I look back and think about all the things I'm going to change for the future to make it smoother for students and kids. For my 24 fourth graders and your families....I will miss you! Please come by often to say hello. And for my 5 returning third graders... yay! I can't wait to get started. I just took a class today and have a whole bucket full of fun ideas for next year.

I hope you all have a fun and memorable summer. I will post messages on Edmodo a few times this summer about activities you and your son or daughter are welcome to come to...movies, park, etc. Please know, I can't be chaperoning them but you're welcome to hang out or have you child go with another family.

Thank again everyone! I will always remember this special class!!!

With Lots of Love,
Carrie Hoffman

Picnic at PahRah

Thank you everyone for making the Picnic at PahRah a wonderful and memorable day!