Hot Topic Presentation (once a year)

Once a year each student will get to select a topic they are highly interested in. This topic must be student selected as they will be spending many hours adding to their knowledge of this topic and they need to be committed to whatever they have chosen. The key to the Hot Topic presentation is for the students to ADD to what they already know. They will be conducting research and can not only speak on what they know.

This 15-20 minute presentation will include several elements:

1. Research logs and list of resources

2. A typed outline

4. A visual aid to add to their presentation (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.)

5. Optional** some students enjoy brining in some type of treat for the class that relates to their topic. This is not mandatory and some topics will not have any connection to a treat and that's okay.

The preparation for this project is all done at home. At the beginning of the year the students will select a quarter in which they would like to do their Hot Topic Presentation (I make sure the students do not do their Book Talk and Hot Topic Presentation in the same quarter). They are free to choose a topic at their leisure but need to commit to a single topic and have it approved by the teacher at the start of the quarter they will be presenting in, or before. They will present the last week of the grading period for the quarter they have selected. The research pages, typed outline and bibliography are generally due the week before they present.

Directions, Research Logs, Sample Outline and Grading Rubric can be found in this link:

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