Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tips for Success

-Tips for helping your child to be the best they can be this semester-

1. Check agenda books nightly. You need to be looking, and discussing the work they have to do. Your nightly signature will help ensure your child comes prepared to school and ready for instruction. (plus this is a grade for them)

2. Check Infinite Campus weekly, at minimum. (There is an app for that... Campus Portal) You're awareness of their weekly performance will assist them in staying or becoming even more successful academically.

3. Communicate with me and with them if something is not meeting your expectations (grades, assignments, behaviors, etc.)

4. Read and discuss the weekly Dojo reports. Some student behaviors are interfering with my instruction and student's ability to learn. If your child is not meeting your expectations behaviorally (as shown on the Dojo reports) communicate with them about that.

** As we prepare for the 4th graders to transition into 5/6 SWAS I am holding them accountable for more respectful, controlled behaviors **