Monday, February 2, 2015

Valentine's Day 2015

It has become a 3/4 SWAS tradition that students make lunch for another student in the class for Valentine's Day. A form will be completed by each student as to what they like, don't care for and can not have. Students will bring home a form completed by another student this Friday. Please help and encourage your child create a thoughtful lunch for someone. Next Friday, the 13th, students will give the lunch they made to their person. The 3/4 SWAS kids have been doing this for the past few years and really loved it!
There will also be a valentine exchange in the afternoon. This is optional, but if your child decides to do valenines please make sure they do one for every child in the class.
Click HERE  for a list of student names for valentines!
This year we are also having an ice cream social and candy bar to celebrate Valentine ’s Day.
 The party will be from 1-3 pm on Friday, February 13, 2015.
Since we are doing a fun lunch “swap” we decided to have a dessert party instead of a full luncheon. The kids will be making ice cream sundaes and will be allowed to fill a cellophane baggie at the candy bar. As always, any contributes and help would be greatly appreciated. Below are some requests for candy & ice cream sundae supplies; however, if you would prefer to donate money instead, our party-planning moms will be able to purchase any needed items.
Please e-mail Jonelle Leigh and let her know what you'd like to send in. This is going to be a real "treat"...pun intended!
CANDY BAR (suggestions, feel free to send any other fun candy):
3 bags Skittles
3 bags plain M&Ms (no nuts)
Tub of red vines
5 bags of assorted bite-sized candy bars
2 bags of Dum Dum lollipops
2 bags Gummy Bears or other Valentine’s gummies
2 bags sour gummy candies (worms, etc.) or Valentine’s themed
1 squeeze bottleof chocolate syrup
1 squeeze bottle of caramel syrup
Jar of cherries
2 cans whipped cream
2 jars of sprinkles
2 large tubs (2-3 gallons each) of ice cream or 4-5 gallons of various flavors of ice cream (no nuts)
Napkins, plastic spoons & plastic plates for 30
Small bottled waters for 30
--or please donate $5 if you would prefer

February Newsletter

Can you believe it's already February?!? We are digging in deep into our curriculum. We are neck deep in fractions. They have already completed the 3rd grade standards for fractions and we are now working on 4th and 5th grade standards. This week they have a fun homework assignment to make a fraction recipe. This will help them think deeply about a specific part of fractions like; adding and subtracting, reducing fractions and even multiplying and dividing fractions. There are many examples they are bringing home including one we did today in class.

In reading we just completed the novel First Test by Tamora Pierce. It was a great book that had them thinking about several ethical issues around bullying and gender roles. Ask them about the book; what they liked, didn't like and why. We are about to start a unit called Literary Reflections. In this unit they will all be reading The Secret Garden. Then they will have the option to choose another novel. The options for literature groups are: Year of Impossible Goodbyes, Words by Heart, Taking Sides, Call it Courage, Crispi: The Cross of Lead and Elijah of Buxton. This unit they will be expanding their vocabularies and deepening their knowledge of literary terms.

In Social Studies we have started Biz World!! This is a well known project that is done world wide by students. I have never done this before, so we are taking it slow making sure to get things right. We will start by creating a classroom friendship bracelet business. This week they are going to be applying for positions within our company! You get to be a part of the homework by talking to them about which position(s) you think they are best suited for. I am so excited to see their applications!! After we complete our class business, they will be working as small groups creating business that they actually get to create, market, sell their products for Biz Bucks. This is all super fun and exciting!!

Please be checking Infinite Campus regularly:

You can also download the app to your phone, tablet or iPAd. It's call Campus Portal- this makes checking grades VERY easy!

If you have any questions about anything we are doing please don't hesitate to email! I love to hear from you!

You can also check the class blog for any of this imformation!

Important Upcoming dates:

February 13th: Valentine's Day Lunch and Ice-Cream party 1:00-3:00

February 16th: President's Day- no school

February 27th: February Birthday Party 2:15-3:00

March 20th: End of 2nd Quarter- all make up work due!!

March 27th: March Birthday Party 2:15-3:00

March 30th - April 10th: Spring Break