Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Book Talk Assignments

Sami 2
Jonah 4
Merryn 4
Braden 2
Maddison 1
Alex B. 1
Kaylie 3
Rayne 3
Christopher 2
Sabrina 4
Riana 3
Nicholas 2
Emily 4
Sydney 3
Millie 3
Adi 1
Gabe 1
Kielee 1
Thomas 2
Quinn 2
Rya 3
Victoria 1
Liam 2
Alexis 2
Avery 4
Bryce 2

Here is a list of the students and the quarter they are assigned to do their book talk. A Book Talk is a 15-20 minute presentation to the class on a book they have read. Books must be at a 4.0 reading level or higher. They are required to type an outline of their presentation and turn it in the week before they present. They will also make a visual aid on PowerPoint, Prezi, Gloster or PowToon and use this during their presentation. 

To view and print a copy of the Book Talk Directions and Rubric Click Here
Hard copies of these documents are available in class as well. 

Quarter 2:
Outline due December 11th. Presentations December 14-16.

Quarter 3: 
Outline due March 11th. Presentations March 14-15

Quarter 4: 
Outline due May 27th. Presentations May 31- June 2.

*Presentation dates are subject to change based on unforeseen circumstances with the students or teacher.