Thursday, August 22, 2013

Friday Speeches

Sign Ups: You can post your date on Edmodo or
 on the class sign up sheet. 

The Friday Speech is based on your personal interests.  You choose your own topic.  Your topics will all be extremely varied- no two alike.  Some ideas for speeches are:  sports, travel, music, hobbies, and other subjects you are interested in or feel you know a lot about.  You must check with Mrs. Hoffman before signing up for a specific topic.

Assignment Parts:

1.      Prezi Presentation:  A presentation must be included in your talk.  It must be in addition to your speech, not repeating everything that you are saying.  Attractive design and attention-getting details are important.  Use at least 5 pictures or clips within your presentation that connect to the subject.  The scanner, digital camera, and clips from the computers are available.  The Prezi must be saved to a flash drive for the speech.

2.      Outline:  The outline must be turned in before the speech.  It must be typed from the computer.  (See example page)

3.      Speech:  Practice your speech so that it can be given comfortably without outline or notes.  You will give your speech from 2:15-2:45 on Fridays.  The speech itself should be approximately 15-20 minutes.

4.      Treat:  A treat may be provided for the class.  You may want to theme the treat.  (i.e.  speech on China and a treat of fortune cookies!) *Please be mindful of students with nut allergies.

What is a Prezi? Check it out...

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