Monday, September 23, 2013

Student Birthday Celebrations

Our energetic and excited students took a poll on Edmodo to see when in the month they would like to celebrate student birthdays. The result was at the end of the month. This means towards the end of each month we will have a brief celebration for students who had a birthday that month. In no way do I want parents to feel obligated to do something for their child's birthday. However, if you would like to send in a little treat for the class, Mrs. Jane Owen has graciously volunteered to coordinate these treats. As you may or may not know her son David has a pretty severe allergy to peanuts. She has provided us with very helpful tools when buying treats or baking treats for students with nut allergies. I will post some helpful pages about these soon. You may bring in treats that are not included on these lists, but please do not bring in anything containing peanut butter (ie. Reese's cups, peanut butter sandwiches, peanut butter brownies etc.)

If you would like to contact Jane her e-mail is: JANEANNEOWEN@GMAIL.COM and phone number is 541-405-5574.

We will celebrate this Friday 2:30-3:00 for David, Bella, Abby and Eddie.

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