Thursday, July 10, 2014

Welcome Class of 2014-2015!!!

Welcome to Whitehead SWAS 3/4!!!

                First of all I hope that you are having a fun summer.  I am having a great summer hanging out with my husband and two kids, JR-6 and Emily- 4. We are going on trips, swimming, and playing a lot… and sleeping in too J

                I am so excited about this school year! I am already planning many fun lessons and activities and can’t wait to get started. If you are excited about getting started one thing you can do is get logged into Edmodo. Edmodo is an educational networking site, just for education purposes and only for our class. We will use Edmodo often and I’ll even post a fun summer activity for those of you who are interested.  I will make a separate post on how to get set up on Edmodo.
 On the top right hand side of the Blog here you will see the Supply List 14-15. You can click this and print the supply list. 

Some important dates for you to remember are:
Thursday,  August 7th: Back to School BBQ 5:00-7:00pm
Monday, August 11th: First Day of School  *You will come into the school at 8:55am everyday *
This is going to be a great school year! It’s okay and totally normal for you to be nervous and excited.  We will have about 26 students in our class (keeping our fingers crossed the number stays low). Of that 25, 20 are new to SWAS and about 18 of the 25 are new to Whitehead. You are going to make many new friends, get to learn new cool information and have a lot of fun!

                Enjoy the rest of your summer. Go run around, make great memories with your family and sleep in! School will be here before we know it. I look forward to seeing you all soon!!!
                Mrs. Carrie Hoffman


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