Monday, September 8, 2014

September Newsletter

Dear Parents,
This is our September Newsletter. The first thing I wanted to share with you are some of the exciting things we will be covering this month:

Math: Number System- Base Ten- adding, subtracting, place value, multiplication, division. I cover grades 3-5 but I will be forming small groups to assist students will specific skills within those grades. Instruction will be whole group and at times supported in small groups. They need to be doing addition, subtraction and multiplication 0-12 each week for Math Fact Practice.

Reading: Reading short stories at a 4th and 5th grade reading levels from Junior Great Books. We will be focusing on pulling information from the text in order to make inferences and support answers. Students should also be reading independent books that both interest them and challenge them to increase their vocabulary.

Science: Waves- light and sound waves

We will be celebrating the July and August Birthdays this Friday, September 12th from 2:00-3:00
We will celebrate the September birthdays on Friday, September 26th from 2:00-3:00. Mrs. Alano and I will  be in contact with those families to coordinate treats. If you would like to come in during this celebration you are more than welcome!

Picture Day is THIS Wednesday September 10th.

Lastly, I wanted to share with you that this time of year is a typical time for SWAS students to be dealing with transitioning into the SWAS classroom. Often times, they mask feelings while at school and then go home and tell their parents that they are unhappy, have no friends, and want to return to their old school. Sometimes this is true while other times it is the fact that they are being challenged and the work is hard for them for the first time in their lives. They are going to start being subjected to content that will challenge them and situations in class where they have to work with others in a group setting. All of these things may push your child's comfort zone back a bit.

When your child expresses feelings abnormal for them here are some tips. First, question the reason. Does it seem like a rational fear and is the situation one that is safe but just new. If it is something you feel is reasonable for them to deal with and you feel they need to persevere through it, remind them to take it slow, remember to breath, and think through the process and how they can resolve the issue. If the situation seems like it is irrational- something is way too hard for them, a situation with students at school that does not seem "right", then please let me know and help your child to come talk to me. Tell them things like, "When you have time at school you need to go up to Mrs. Hoffman and tell her that you are feeling ____, because ____." Having them review the solution several times out loud will also help them relax and feel more comfortable. Sometimes our students need to be taught the words and ways to resolve issues.

On the right hand side of the blog are links to parent resources. The Sylvia Rymm articles are WONDERFUL for parents of Gifted children! I know you will really connect with her ideas and find the content helpful. Joining the Washoe County Gifted and Talented Parent group is another way to connect with families who have children like yours. I hope you'll use and enjoy these resources.

Fianlly, if you save BoxTops you can send them in. Put them in bags with 50 in a bag- labled 50. If you don't have bags of 50 you can send in whatever you do have. But please make sure they are cut nice and neat- not torn. They will not except them if they are not organized in groups of 50 or "messy".  Thanks so much!

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