Monday, August 31, 2015

September Newsletter

Happy September Everyone!

I wanted to share what the kids are going to be working on this month.

1. First, we are starting our first project. It's a Family History Project. The students will be getting a packet of directions as well as the scoring rubrics. Rubrics are a great way for the students to know specifically how they can receive total points for assignments. There will be three major parts to this project: a family tree, a paragraph sharing a family members contributions to society, and a free choice activity. The students will need your help. Please be thinking about your family history, gathering photos if you have them, and set aside some time to share information and stories from your family's past. I will be covering all the basics of how and what they need to do in class. I will teach them the skills of conducting an interview, writing a strong paragraph, basic computer skills (using Word, formatting, using a flash drive), and primary and secondary sources. The only help I'm asking for at home is for you to share information about your family and for you to be checking in with them to make sure they are completing the work.
The due date for the project is October 2nd. Students will be sharing parts of their project with the class the following week October 5-9.

2. For Math this month we are continuing to work on Numbers Base Ten. We will cover place value, rounding. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Depending on where your child is mathematically will guide me how deep to go, with these concepts.

3. We are working on learning basic reading skills and terms as we read short stories as well as our Read Aloud, Percy Jackson; The Lightening Thief.

4. Friday September 18th we will be going to the Air Races. You will receive a form from both Whitehead as well as the Air Races. Please sign both and return them by Sept 11th. If you are interested in chaperoning pleas sign the form letting me know. I would love to take at least 5 parents. (Make sure you have submitted your Volunteer Application)

5. As we progress in the 1st quarter make sure to be checking Infinite Campus Weekly. There is an App, Campus Portal that makes checking grades very simple. If you need help just let me know.
If you ever have concerns about your child's grades please don't hesitate to email. Remember students can redo/makeup most assignments until the end of the quarter.

6. Upcoming Dates to remember:
September 7th. - Labor Day No a School
September 18th- Air Races Field Trip
September 25th- September Birthday Celebration October 5-9th- Conference Week 12:50 Release all week October 16th- End of Grading Period October 23rd- Fall Fair (a fun Fall activity day in our class) and October Birthday Celebration October 26-30- Fall Break No School

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