Friday, October 30, 2015

October Newsletter

Happy October!
            Can you believe we are a quarter of the way through the year already? This has been a wonderful start. I just love your children so much! They are binging me laugher and joy every day! I am LOVING the Family History Projects. I can’t believe the time and energy that went into their projects. I will be posting pictures for you to see some of the amazing things they have done. We talked today as they started presenting their projects about work expectations. In SWAS we have high expectations for them as preparation for the future. They need to make sure to take pride in their work to get the grades they want. As they do this they will find strategies (like spell check, and peer editors) to help them with skills they are not so strong with.  Here are a few things that will help you help your child stay successful and reach their fullest potential:
·        Check agendas. Know what assignments/projects your child is responsible for.
·        Check Infinite Campus regularly. Know how your child is preforming.
·        Talk to your child about test corrections and makeup work when necessary.
·        Go through the Purple Friday Folders with care weekly. Separate grade work and keep it in a safe place. I suggest a plastic tub). Have them correct work that has low scores.
·        Communicate with the teacher when you have concerns… with anything
·        Get your child involved in extra-curricular activities. Interactions with kids their age, competing with others, dealing with conflict/resolution situations outside of school are things that will help your child become self-confident. Self-confidence and success are dependent upon each other.
The second quarter we are going to be diving deeper into Multiplication and Division. Keep up with the Daily Fact practices with multiplication. Knowing the facts quickly allows them to do more complex problems more easily. In Science we are learning about magnetism and gravity. We are learning though hands on experiments and observations as well as text book reading. We are about to start a new Social Studies unit on Nevada history. They will be learning about our great state, its symbols, geography, and rich history both from the pioneer’s point of view as well as from the Native American’s point of view. In reading we are doing to start reading a class novel called Patty Reed’s Doll. It is a wonderful story about the Donner Party told from the perspective of a girl’s doll as they journey West. As they read they will be learning how to compare themes and messages among different texts, like historical facts from Patty Reed’s doll compared to facts in the Social Studies Text book.
Lastly, I am SO SO excited about our second annual Fall Fair! This is a really fun day that just my class has.  On Friday October 23rd all morning long the students will be rotating though fun Fall centers that are parent lead. The students get to dress up in their costumes that day which makes it even more fun! There will be relay races, a doughnut eating contest, a skeleton memory game, mummy decorating, a Fall craft project and a pumpkin math activity. I need parent support in order for this day to be a success. If you are able to help please click on the link and sign up for an activity that sound fun to you. They will be in groups of 4-5 rotating every 20 minutes from 9:00-11:30. I can’t wait for all the fun! This is one of my favorite days of the year!!  After lunch the students will be doing a class activity and then passing around treats and watching Percy Jackson: The Lightening Thief. We are reading the book right now in class and will be done by then. You are more than welcome to attend the party and please feel free to sign up to send in or bring something for the party. *See email or blog for links to sign up
Upcoming dates to remember:
October 5-9: Conference Week 12:50 release every day
October 14th: NO EARLY RELEASE. Due to high school finals week
October 18th: Run for Education Sparks Marina
October 15th-23rd: Grassroots Book Fair in Library
October 21st: Whitehead Fall Carnival, time in the evening TBA
October 23rd: Hoffman’s Class Fall Fair 9:00-11:30, Halloween Party 1:00-3:00
October 26th-30th: Fall Break NO SCHOOL
November 2nd: Return to School
November 6th: Field Trip to Carson City Museum
November 11th: (Wednesday) NO SCHOOL Veteran’s Day
November 25th-27th: Thanksgiving Break NO SCHOOL

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