Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Welcome SWAS Class of 16-17

Hello Parents and SWAS 3/4 Students 😊

I hope you are all having a wonderful summer so far! I wanted to say hello and send you a few small things your and the kiddos might enjoy. As you may or may not know our class will be 1 to 1, which means each student will have their own computer to use all year long! This is SO exciting!! I've been taking classes all summer on ways to make learning fun using computers and can't wait to get started. 

If you're here then you can now check out our class blog. It's a place I like to post newsletters, pictures, updates and helpful links. 

If you haven't already please check your email and respond to my email to verify I have you're correct contact information. 

Next, please have the students join our class Wiki Space. It is an education based site where the whole class can work together on projects, communicate and get information from me. I have used Edmodo in the past, and will be trying this Wiki instead. Both platforms are private and protected- only those with the link can access our site. Also, we will be spending much of the first week learning about Digital Citizenship so students know what and what not to do when working online. 

Join Code: QMHFJJR

I have also created a little presentation for the students to welcome them to SWAS. The presentation covers general SWAS information, things specific to our class as well as some fun summer challenges. 

I always welcome your questions so please don't ever hesitate to contact me. Email is best and I try to check it daily. Again, I hope you are having a wonderful summer and look forward to meeting you all August 4th, 5:00-6:30 for the Back to School BBQ at Whitehead on the front lawn. It's always a fun evening! 


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