Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Field Trip to Carson

Field Trip to Carson City
Dear Parents,
This year in fourth grade your child has been on a great adventure learning about their home state. They have learned much about Nevada’s history, including Historic Native Tribes, Early Explorers, Native American Indians, and Symbols representing Nevada.
          In celebration of our studies, we will be taking a field trip Tuesday, November 19, 2013 to Carson City to tour the Nevada State Museum and Governor’s Mansion.  We will leave school at 9:15a.m and arrive back to school at 1:45p.m. Lunch will be at the Governor’s Mansion.  A  mid- morning snack will be provided to the students while in Carson City.
          If you would like to help chaperone on this field trip, and have completed the parent volunteer paper work required by the district, please contact your child’s teacher.
Thank you for all your support this year!
Mrs. Moore                      Mrs. Ramos              Mrs. Hoffman

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