Thursday, October 10, 2013


I want to review the purpose and method of doing Problem of the Week. First of all let me say this process will be changing.  Doing Problems of the Week is a SWAS expectation, and all of us are expected to be doing this with our classes. (however the process in which we do this is varied). My initial method and purpose was for it to be an independent challenge...something the students would be able to work through at home throughout the week- with help at school when needed- but that is changing. I'm going to change the process so I will introduce the POW's whole class and walk them through the problems with a few hints on Monday. Then the kids can go home and try to finish them on their own at home.

I know these have been really hard for some of the kiddos! In fact I didn't even grade the first two weeks worth and I'll just give participation points this week for kids if they attempted the problems.

I'm sorry for the frustration this has caused. I want these real life, complex problems to be something fun and challenging for the kids to do. It will help them apply the variety of math concepts they learn into real world situations...but my process does need to be tweaked. Thanks so much for your support and patience! We will get it worked out soon. 

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