Friday, December 20, 2013

Winter Reading/Writing Challenge

-Here is a copy of Mrs. Keane's Challenge to the students-

We hope every student will read at least 6 hours over break, for some of our SWAS kiddos this could be done in a day :-) Please have them complete the reading log- 15 reading entries minimum (room for 30 on the sheet).

They are also encouraged to write often as well. In the packet they got on Wednesday there are pages for them to write and a list of writing prompts. Please have them complete 10 writing activities minimum.

Please have your son or daughter bring this packet back in January with the blue page on top. 

I will be participating as well and can't wait! I just finished reading The Book Thief...the best book I've ever read! Can't wait to start another book and do some writing as well. 

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