Friday, December 20, 2013

Semester 2 Supplies

The beginning of the year supply list was created by someone else and unfortunately doesn't meet all our needs. I'm going to focus on organization this next semester and the work load is going to increase so I want them to have all the tools they need to stay organized and responsible. 

Here is what they will need: *They may already have some or all of these items.

6 folders- (Math, Reading, Social Studies, Science, Other, Homework)

1- 1 inch binder to put the folders in

3 highlighters (colors don't matter)

Red pens- ball point- not Sharpie

Expo Markers (not on the list in the email)  buy at least 2-3 because they tend to go through these quickly. Color doesn't matter. 

Notebooks- (Math and Reading- they can continue using the one from Sem. 1 until it is filled) 

Flashdrive- the one they had from semester 1 should be fine. I just wanted you to know we will continue to use it. 

They will also start using their Agenda book daily, like what we did at the beginning of the year, so please make sure they have this ready to go. This could be put into their binder along with the folders. 

Thank you very much! If for any reason you will not be able to purchase these items, please...please don't hesitate to let me know. 

-1 Ream of white copy paper. (I will be giving more homework so I'll be using a lot of paper) 
-index cards 
-scissors extras for the class
-post it notes (we use these 3-5 times a week) 

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