Friday, January 10, 2014

Reading Logs

Weekly Reading Log

(Parent) Directions for Weekly Reading Log:
1- Make sure your child  has a book they will be interested in and 
read from start to finish.
2- Make sure the book is at their level (not too hard not too easy- they should have occasional words they will struggle to pronounce and understand meaning). 
3- Establish a routine for daily reading. A place and time should be consistent, within reason with other activities and events. 
4- Your child will benefit from both silent reading at home as well as occasional reading aloud.
5- Have your child complete their Weekly Reading Log. A new log will be handed 
out in class at the start of each week. 
6- Talk to your child about the Reading Log as they complete it and encourage them to use the Weekly Reading Log packet to help them if needed. (This will be in their Reading folder in their binder) 
7- Sign the Reading Log and remind them to turn it in on the last day of the week.
8- Any Reading Log turned in late will have points deducted.

(Student) Directions for Weekly Reading Log:

1-Choose a book that interests you, that is not too easy but not too hard
2- Have a special time and place each day to read
3- Read for 30 minutes
4- As you read visualize the story, ask questions in your mind, make inferences and predictions, make connections to things, and reflect on what you read
5- Complete the Weekly Reading Log- use the pages included in this packet to help you complete the log
6- Share the Reading Log with a parent, tell them about the book you’re reading
7- Have a parent sign the Reading Log
8- Turn in the Weekly Reading Log on the last day of the week

1 comment:

  1. My son says he didnt receive a reading log this week 1/21-1/24. He has been reading and doing the assignment on separate sheet of paper.
