Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Book Talk Assignments

Sami 2
Jonah 4
Merryn 4
Braden 2
Maddison 1
Alex B. 1
Kaylie 3
Rayne 3
Christopher 2
Sabrina 4
Riana 3
Nicholas 2
Emily 4
Sydney 3
Millie 3
Adi 1
Gabe 1
Kielee 1
Thomas 2
Quinn 2
Rya 3
Victoria 1
Liam 2
Alexis 2
Avery 4
Bryce 2

Here is a list of the students and the quarter they are assigned to do their book talk. A Book Talk is a 15-20 minute presentation to the class on a book they have read. Books must be at a 4.0 reading level or higher. They are required to type an outline of their presentation and turn it in the week before they present. They will also make a visual aid on PowerPoint, Prezi, Gloster or PowToon and use this during their presentation. 

To view and print a copy of the Book Talk Directions and Rubric Click Here
Hard copies of these documents are available in class as well. 

Quarter 2:
Outline due December 11th. Presentations December 14-16.

Quarter 3: 
Outline due March 11th. Presentations March 14-15

Quarter 4: 
Outline due May 27th. Presentations May 31- June 2.

*Presentation dates are subject to change based on unforeseen circumstances with the students or teacher. 

Friday, October 30, 2015

October Newsletter

Happy October!
            Can you believe we are a quarter of the way through the year already? This has been a wonderful start. I just love your children so much! They are binging me laugher and joy every day! I am LOVING the Family History Projects. I can’t believe the time and energy that went into their projects. I will be posting pictures for you to see some of the amazing things they have done. We talked today as they started presenting their projects about work expectations. In SWAS we have high expectations for them as preparation for the future. They need to make sure to take pride in their work to get the grades they want. As they do this they will find strategies (like spell check, and peer editors) to help them with skills they are not so strong with.  Here are a few things that will help you help your child stay successful and reach their fullest potential:
·        Check agendas. Know what assignments/projects your child is responsible for.
·        Check Infinite Campus regularly. Know how your child is preforming.
·        Talk to your child about test corrections and makeup work when necessary.
·        Go through the Purple Friday Folders with care weekly. Separate grade work and keep it in a safe place. I suggest a plastic tub). Have them correct work that has low scores.
·        Communicate with the teacher when you have concerns… with anything
·        Get your child involved in extra-curricular activities. Interactions with kids their age, competing with others, dealing with conflict/resolution situations outside of school are things that will help your child become self-confident. Self-confidence and success are dependent upon each other.
The second quarter we are going to be diving deeper into Multiplication and Division. Keep up with the Daily Fact practices with multiplication. Knowing the facts quickly allows them to do more complex problems more easily. In Science we are learning about magnetism and gravity. We are learning though hands on experiments and observations as well as text book reading. We are about to start a new Social Studies unit on Nevada history. They will be learning about our great state, its symbols, geography, and rich history both from the pioneer’s point of view as well as from the Native American’s point of view. In reading we are doing to start reading a class novel called Patty Reed’s Doll. It is a wonderful story about the Donner Party told from the perspective of a girl’s doll as they journey West. As they read they will be learning how to compare themes and messages among different texts, like historical facts from Patty Reed’s doll compared to facts in the Social Studies Text book.
Lastly, I am SO SO excited about our second annual Fall Fair! This is a really fun day that just my class has.  On Friday October 23rd all morning long the students will be rotating though fun Fall centers that are parent lead. The students get to dress up in their costumes that day which makes it even more fun! There will be relay races, a doughnut eating contest, a skeleton memory game, mummy decorating, a Fall craft project and a pumpkin math activity. I need parent support in order for this day to be a success. If you are able to help please click on the link and sign up for an activity that sound fun to you. They will be in groups of 4-5 rotating every 20 minutes from 9:00-11:30. I can’t wait for all the fun! This is one of my favorite days of the year!!  After lunch the students will be doing a class activity and then passing around treats and watching Percy Jackson: The Lightening Thief. We are reading the book right now in class and will be done by then. You are more than welcome to attend the party and please feel free to sign up to send in or bring something for the party. *See email or blog for links to sign up
Upcoming dates to remember:
October 5-9: Conference Week 12:50 release every day
October 14th: NO EARLY RELEASE. Due to high school finals week
October 18th: Run for Education Sparks Marina
October 15th-23rd: Grassroots Book Fair in Library
October 21st: Whitehead Fall Carnival, time in the evening TBA
October 23rd: Hoffman’s Class Fall Fair 9:00-11:30, Halloween Party 1:00-3:00
October 26th-30th: Fall Break NO SCHOOL
November 2nd: Return to School
November 6th: Field Trip to Carson City Museum
November 11th: (Wednesday) NO SCHOOL Veteran’s Day
November 25th-27th: Thanksgiving Break NO SCHOOL

Fall Fair 2015

Fall Fair was a hit!!!! The kids had a great day! They enjoyed all the fun activities
and really enjoyed all the treats in the afternoon as we watched Percy Jackson The Lightening Thief (though we all agree the book was better!) 

I want to thank all the parents and grandparents who helped with the Fall Fair Activities:
 Mr. and Mrs. Keller, Mrs. Danen, Mrs. Dishman, Mrs. Boharsik, Mrs. Alano, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Colcock, Mrs. Conforti, Mrs. Santos, Mrs. Knight. 
You all made this wonderful day happen! Thank you VERY much!  

Pumpkin Math Activities

Pumpkin Art

Spooky Realy Races

Mummy Decorating

Happy Kid!!!

Skeleton Memory

Doughnut Eating Contest

Great times with good friends!

Dressing Godzilla up as a mummy

October birthday creatures! 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Book Projects and Book Talks

Each quarter the students are required to do a Book Project. There are about 15 different types of projects the students can choose from. They are to read a book at a 4th grade level or higher and complete a project by the end of the quarter.

Once a year the students will do a Book Talk or Book Presentation (same thing)
They will receive the directions and do three things: Create and outline of the book, make a Visual Aid, and Read a passage from the book. They will be scores on their Outline, Visual Aid, Reading from the book, and Overall Presentation Skills.

**Note- The quarter your child does his/her Book Talk they WILL NOT do a separate Book Project. 

To get a copy of the Book Talk Directions Click HERE

Infinite Campus App

There is a VERY easy way for you to see your children's assignments/grades/attendance often!

On your smart phone just type in Infinite Campus to find the app. On my Android, it's called Campus Portal.  Download the app, enter your IC login and password and the code below for the District ID. And voilà... instant access. Under settings you can set up to be notified (or not) when assignments/attendance/grades are updated.

**Note: If you don't know your Infinite Campus login information please call the school office and they can help you.  775-626-5200

Infinite Campus Mobile Application

Infinite Campus has a mobile application available for both Android and IOS mobile operating systems

Please use the following District Code to access the app for your smart phone: MJCFXT

This is what the main menu will look like on Campus Portal...very easy to use!
(Food Service has now become a separate App: My School Bucks. 
You will have to download this one separately. See note below) 

This is how graded assignments will look.You can see the missing assignments have the
triangle with the exclamation point to easily see what your child is missing. 

This is what the icon looks like for the My School Bucks application. 
On this app you can put money into the hot lunch account for your child as well
as view their current balance. 

Monday, August 31, 2015

September Newsletter

Happy September Everyone!

I wanted to share what the kids are going to be working on this month.

1. First, we are starting our first project. It's a Family History Project. The students will be getting a packet of directions as well as the scoring rubrics. Rubrics are a great way for the students to know specifically how they can receive total points for assignments. There will be three major parts to this project: a family tree, a paragraph sharing a family members contributions to society, and a free choice activity. The students will need your help. Please be thinking about your family history, gathering photos if you have them, and set aside some time to share information and stories from your family's past. I will be covering all the basics of how and what they need to do in class. I will teach them the skills of conducting an interview, writing a strong paragraph, basic computer skills (using Word, formatting, using a flash drive), and primary and secondary sources. The only help I'm asking for at home is for you to share information about your family and for you to be checking in with them to make sure they are completing the work.
The due date for the project is October 2nd. Students will be sharing parts of their project with the class the following week October 5-9.

2. For Math this month we are continuing to work on Numbers Base Ten. We will cover place value, rounding. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Depending on where your child is mathematically will guide me how deep to go, with these concepts.

3. We are working on learning basic reading skills and terms as we read short stories as well as our Read Aloud, Percy Jackson; The Lightening Thief.

4. Friday September 18th we will be going to the Air Races. You will receive a form from both Whitehead as well as the Air Races. Please sign both and return them by Sept 11th. If you are interested in chaperoning pleas sign the form letting me know. I would love to take at least 5 parents. (Make sure you have submitted your Volunteer Application)

5. As we progress in the 1st quarter make sure to be checking Infinite Campus Weekly. There is an App, Campus Portal that makes checking grades very simple. If you need help just let me know.
If you ever have concerns about your child's grades please don't hesitate to email. Remember students can redo/makeup most assignments until the end of the quarter.

6. Upcoming Dates to remember:
September 7th. - Labor Day No a School
September 18th- Air Races Field Trip
September 25th- September Birthday Celebration October 5-9th- Conference Week 12:50 Release all week October 16th- End of Grading Period October 23rd- Fall Fair (a fun Fall activity day in our class) and October Birthday Celebration October 26-30- Fall Break No School

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Book Projects and Presentations

Reading Project and Book Presentation Information
¾  SWAS Whitehead

·         Book Requirements
o   At least a Reading Level of 4.0 or higher
     - Check on Scholastic Book Wizard for reading level if unknown
Scholastic Book Wizard
o   Only 1 graphic novel book project a year (can read graphic novels for fun)
o   Try to read a variety of genres for book projects
§  Science Fiction
§  Realistic Fiction
§  Historical Fiction
§  Mystery
§  Action
§  Adventure
§  Non-Fiction
§  Folk/Fairy Tales or Myths
o   Students can earn Genre Badges as they read a variety of genres

·         Book Project Information
o   One book project will be turned in each quarter. 4 total for the year
o   Students will present one of the projects in front of the class
§  Assigned quarter for Book Project Presentation/Book Talk at the bottom
§  Additional information on the book will be required when doing the Book Project Presentation/Book Talk.
·         Students will be given the rubric and additional information for the Book Project Presentation/Book Talk at the start of the quarter they will be presenting
o   Students will choose a different type of Book Project each quarter. They cannot do the same type of project twice.
o   They will receive the directions and rubric for the Book Project at the start of each quarter.
o   Students have all quarter to complete the project with the final due dates below. However, if they finish the project early they can turn it in anytime that quarter.

First Quarter Due Date: October 2nd
Second Quarter Due Date: December 11th
Third Quarter Due Date: March 11th
Fourth Quarter Due Date: June 3rd


Saturday, August 15, 2015

Rock Candy


I love the little photo bomber!!! I

27 cups of sticky sugary sweetness just waiting to crystallize. 
Rock Candy should be done in about 2 weeks....fingers crossed!

Our Classroom

As a working mom with two kids both in school this year I know how some of you must feel. I wonder, "What does the room they spend their entire day in actually look like?" So I thought I'd post some pictures for you so you'd have an idea in case you haven't been in yet. 
You are always welcome to come by!!

Don't forget to mark your calendars: 
Back to School Night
Tuesday, August 25th 

Bucket Filling Board: a place for them to leave positive comments for each other. 

Our SWASome classroom! 

Meet Norm: The boy who is helping us to learn and remember how to think and act...
in class and beyond! 

Classroom Behavior Chart: Everyone has a clothespin they are able to move throughout
 the day as they make decisions. They will record the color they ended the day on. 

Saturday, July 25, 2015


Edmodo is an amazing educational tool students. We will use Edmodo in class at home several times a month. The format is much like Facebook, but ONLY for educational purposes. Only students in our class who have the group code can access our account. They will use this site for posting answers to questions, accessing links to websites and videos I post, and asking each other questions about content from class they may need help on. 

Steps on setting the students up on Edmodo 
1. Go to  www.edmodo.com
2. On the right hand side choose "Students"
3. Enter this group code: ky6rg9
4. Write in their First and Last Name
5. Create a User Name **Please make sure their first name is somehow in there so we'll know who it is**
6. Type in either their email address or yours (optional)
7. Create a password **I HIGHLY suggest using a password they already know, or use: whitehead**   Students will need to remember their username and  password every time they log in- so something easy and memorable is best, have them write their username and password down as soon as they create their account somewhere they will be able to access it again.

Once the student is logged in, in the top right corner click the "Me" Account drop down button
1. On the left hand side go to "Email & Text Updates"
2. I suggest only checking the "Alerts" Notes" and "Direct Messages" options and leaving the rest blank. A student/parent does not need to see the other options unless you'd like to. If you don't click just these it may result in you getting MANY emails as students reply during an activity. 
3. Click "Save Updates" at the bottom 

If you'd like to be able to have your own log in to see what your child's activity is, here are the directions for using the Parent Code. I will send these home the first week of school
  1. Visit www.edmodo.com and select  "Parents” 
  2. Fill out the registration form with the unique parent code, the relationship with the child and a valid email address.
  3. Select the “Sign Up” button to complete the sign up process
Note: Once the parent has created the Parent Account, the parent is automatically observing any Group that the child is part of in his/her Account. A Parent Account allows you to see a limited view of your child's activity. Any Group the child adds in the future will be added to the Parent Account as well.

Welcome SWAS 3/4 Students and Families

Welcome to Whitehead SWAS 3/4!!

Dear SWAS Students,
  I hope you are having a fun summer!  I am having a great time hanging out with my husband and two kids, JR-7 and Emily- 5. We are going on trips, swimming, and playing a lot… and sleeping in too J

   I am so excited about this school year! I am already planning many fun lessons and activities and can’t wait to get started. If you are excited about getting started the first thing you can do is look around on this website. I will post all kinds of things on there like information for parents, pictures from class activities, and have links to helpful resources. 

  The second thing you can do is get logged into Edmodo. Edmodo is an educational networking site, just for education purposes and only for our class. We will use Edmodo often and I’ll even post a fun summer activity for those of you who are interested. To get started in this year's group you'll need this Group Code: ky6rg9 

I've created a post with directions for getting started on Edmodo. Check it out!      

Some important dates for you to remember are:
Thursday,  July 30th  5:30-7:00-  SWAS Meet and Greet Pah Rah Park (by tennis courts)
Wednesday August 5th 5:00-7:00- Whitehead Back to School BBQ 5:00-7:00
Monday, August 10th: First Day of School  *You will come into the school at 8:55am everyday *

  This is going to be an awesome year!! It’s okay and totally normal for you to be nervous and excited.  We will have about 26 students in our class. Of that 26, 15 are new to SWAS, 10 are boys, 16 are girls, 9   3rd graders and 17   4th graders!  You are going to make many new friends, get to learn new cool information and have a lot of fun!

                Enjoy the rest of your summer. Go run around, make great memories with your family and sleep in! School will be here before we know it. I look forward to seeing you all soon!!!
                Mrs. Carrie Hoffman


Sunday, April 26, 2015

Survivor Project

Create a presentation for the producers of Survivor convincing them 
your biome is the best for the next season of Survivor. 

Student groups of 3-4 students

Assigned to one of the following, based on their person interest:
-Temperate Forest
-Rain Forest

-Food Chains

Presentation Night:
June 4th

Oxbo Park Field Trip