Friday, April 29, 2016

May News

I just wanted to go over a few things as we head into our last full month of school.

1.       Donner Field trip on Monday- MUST bring a cold lunch, dress warm in layers, wear tennis shoes, no devices to play games (phones are allowed but must be put away).
2.       Chaperons for Monday. Please come on Monday- we are leaving at 9:30. We have to see how full the buses are, but we are hoping most of you will be able to ride the bus. If you’d like to drive that’s fine. I will assign everyone a group of students on Monday.

3.       Natural Disaster Project- we are well underway. They are cooking! Check Infinite Campus- ELA Writing and Science to see if they are missing anything, if so they are behind. Once they get behind on the project it is tough, but not impossible, to catch up. Please make sure you are checking agendas nightly as they have a list of To Do’s in there.
4.       June 2nd- Mark your calendars for Presentation Night 6:00 in the Multipurpose Room. I’ll send home a formal flyer later in May. But you can invite family members to come. It’s a fun and amazing event!
5.       Please check out the Natural Disaster Blog for Due dates and links for assignments.

6.       SBAC Testing- Please make sure your child gets a GOOD night’s sleep, has a nice healthy breakfast. Talk to them about the test’s importance, but tell them it’s not the End All Be All for their future. They are going to do great! Please let me know if they are going to miss any of these days and we will get them in for makeups.
a.       May 4- ELA in morning
b.      May 9- ELA in morning and afternoon
c.       May 18- Math in morning and afternoon
d.      May 19- Math in morning

7.       All work must be turned in May 27th for Quarter 4.

8.       Get out your calendars for these upcoming events:
a.       May 4- SBAC
b.      May 9-SBAC
c.       Math 18-SBAC
d.      Math 19-SBAC
e.      May 20th Pioneer Center Field trip with Music
f.        May 23- MAP Reading test in the morning
g.       Math 24- MAP Math test in the afternoon
h.      May 27- Whitehead Jog-A-Thon
i.         May 27- End of Grading Period- all work must be turned in
j.        May 30th No School Memorial Day
k.       June 2- Presentation Night 6:00pm
l.         June 7- Reno Ace’s Field trip

m.    June 9- Last Day of School 12:50 release

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