Saturday, April 23, 2016

Natural Disaster Project

We have started our Natural Disaster Project! I've created a blog to organize and store all the information they will need for this project. Due dates, links for research, rubrics. Please check it out!

The students have studied several different types of natural disasters and are now starting research for the major pieces of the project.

There are 3 products the students will create by the end of the quarter:

1- An essay containing information about their natural disaster, a persuasive component discussing the importance and how to be safe during the disaster, and a bibliography citing all their texts used.

2- A commercial for a Safety Kit. Their group will make a safety kit to sell (hypothetically) that will help people protect themselves and their homes during the natural disaster. They will produce a video commercial that students from across the district will view and vote on.

3- An infomercial on their Safety Kit. On presentation night June 2nd their team will perform a short live infomercial style presentation of their Safety Kit, as well as be asked questions and receive feedback from experts and community members.

There is SO much your children will learn this quarter that is not related to Science:

-Collaboration Skills
-Communication Skills
-Use of technology for learning
-Real World problem solving and innovating

I am very excited about the project and can't wait to see how much they will learn and grow over these next few weeks!

Please don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions:

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