Friday, November 22, 2013

"The Project" Semester 1

Dear Parents,                                                                                Click HERE to view original document

As you know the students have been working very hard this year on (what they’ve titled) “The Project.” I wanted to give you some information about what the project is and what will be happening over the next few weeks. The question the students will have to answer during the presentation is:

How does force affect the landscape and people of Nevada Past and Present?

In Science the students have learned about the laws of motion and how force from earthquakes changes landforms. They are also going to study how force from moving water or wind can create power and how that effects people in Nevada.
In Social Studies the students have learned about how a different type of force affected the relationship between the interactions of the Pioneers and American Indians. They have learned how to cite evidence from text to support answers. They are also going to learn about mining and how this is beneficial to Nevadans and can also affect the landscape.
On December 17th the students and their partners will be presenting information on these topics as they explain how force affects the landscape and people of Nevada Past and Present.
Below is a calendar to show what we will be working on in the next few weeks. If you would like to get involved here are some ways:

-Chaperone the fieldtrip to UNR on Dec. 3rd
-Volunteer in class the day the students build their models of hydroelectric and wind generators on Dec. 4th.
-Volunteer in class as students practice their presentations to give them constructive feedback on Dec. 12-13
-Volunteer in class the day the students make their 3D maps of Nevada Dec. 6th and 9th.
-Volunteer to be a panel member scoring the student’s presentations, asking reflective questions to the groups, and providing feedback. If you’re not interested but know someone who would please have them email me.  **Presenting to an authentic audience is a vital piece of these projects. It allows the students have experience speaking and interacting with an audience.

Nov. 25

Nov. 26
Nov. 27
Thanksgiving Break

Nov. 28
Thanksgiving Break

Nov. 29
Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 2

Dec. 3
UNR Field trip

Dec. 4
Building Generators
Dec. 5
Dec. 6
Make 3D Map of Nevada
Dec. 9
Finish 3D Map
Dec. 10
Practice Presentation
Dec. 11
Practice Presentation
Dec. 12
Practice Presentation
Dec. 13
Practice Presentation
Dec. 16
Practice Presentation

Dec. 17
Night 6:00-7:00

Dec. 18
Dec. 19
Holiday Party
Dec. 20
No School
Winter break begins

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