Monday, November 4, 2013

Welcome Mrs. Jordan

I'd like to officially welcome Mrs. Denice Jordan to our class! Many of you may already know Mrs. Jordan, she is a mother to one of our students, and has been a substitute for our Whitehead SWAS classes for awhile now.

When we received the unfortunate news about not getting a second teacher for our 3/4 class, I asked Ms. Riggs if it would be possible to get a half time aid and she graciously agreed. Yay! Mrs. Jordan will be with us several days a week. With her experience as a former teacher, she will be a tremendous asset to our class. She will assist in working with individual students, small groups and even whole class activities at times. She also brings a wealth of first hand knowledge of the types of needs our precious students have. She is patient, understanding and kind. I am so thrilled to have her with us! I am very excited to see how much quicker and deeper we will be able to go with new content, I know that our students are doing to benefit greatly with her presence in our class.

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