Friday, November 22, 2013

UNR Field Trip

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            UNR Field Trip        
Whitehead ¾ SWAS

When: December 3rd 9:30-1:30
9:30 Leave Whitehead
10:00-11:00 Mackay School of Mines: tour with information about mining in Nevada
            11:00-11:30 Mackay School of Mines: Speaker- How mining effects the environment.
            11:30-12:00 Lunch in Student Union
            12:00-1:00 Geography Department- map making
            1:30 Return to Whitehead
1:45-3:00 Students will prepare for their Socratic Seminar the following day on the topic: Mining beneficial or detrimental?

The Focus this semester has been this Driving Question: How does force affect the landscape and people of Nevada, past and present? The students will be gaining pertinent information this day they will use to support their answer to this question on Presentation Night, December 17th.

If you would like to help chaperon on the field trip, and have completed the parent volunteer paper work required by the district, please let me know.

I look forward to this amazing experience!
Mrs. Hoffman                                   

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