Friday, December 20, 2013

Semester 2 Supplies

The beginning of the year supply list was created by someone else and unfortunately doesn't meet all our needs. I'm going to focus on organization this next semester and the work load is going to increase so I want them to have all the tools they need to stay organized and responsible. 

Here is what they will need: *They may already have some or all of these items.

6 folders- (Math, Reading, Social Studies, Science, Other, Homework)

1- 1 inch binder to put the folders in

3 highlighters (colors don't matter)

Red pens- ball point- not Sharpie

Expo Markers (not on the list in the email)  buy at least 2-3 because they tend to go through these quickly. Color doesn't matter. 

Notebooks- (Math and Reading- they can continue using the one from Sem. 1 until it is filled) 

Flashdrive- the one they had from semester 1 should be fine. I just wanted you to know we will continue to use it. 

They will also start using their Agenda book daily, like what we did at the beginning of the year, so please make sure they have this ready to go. This could be put into their binder along with the folders. 

Thank you very much! If for any reason you will not be able to purchase these items, please...please don't hesitate to let me know. 

-1 Ream of white copy paper. (I will be giving more homework so I'll be using a lot of paper) 
-index cards 
-scissors extras for the class
-post it notes (we use these 3-5 times a week) 

Winter Reading/Writing Challenge

-Here is a copy of Mrs. Keane's Challenge to the students-

We hope every student will read at least 6 hours over break, for some of our SWAS kiddos this could be done in a day :-) Please have them complete the reading log- 15 reading entries minimum (room for 30 on the sheet).

They are also encouraged to write often as well. In the packet they got on Wednesday there are pages for them to write and a list of writing prompts. Please have them complete 10 writing activities minimum.

Please have your son or daughter bring this packet back in January with the blue page on top. 

I will be participating as well and can't wait! I just finished reading The Book Thief...the best book I've ever read! Can't wait to start another book and do some writing as well. 

Spelling Bee

I am please to announce that the following students
 won our Whitehead level SWAS Spelling Bee: 

4th Grade Winner: Katie Hippert 

4th Grade Runner-Up: Cristian Burke

3rd Grade Winner: Jackson Phillips

 3rd Grade Runner-Up: Tyler Swanson

Both the winner and runner up for each grade level gets to advance 
to the Caughlin Ranch Spelling Bee on January 15th. 

Congratulations and good luck on the next level of competition!!!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Learning by Doing

The students are hard at work this week putting the finishing touches on their projects. Last week's assembly of their hydro and wind energy generators was a success. After many sleepless nights hoping pieces wouldn't get lost, and students wouldn't give up they very quickly made my fears seem silly. It took no more than two  hours for the kits to be assembled. I can't wait for you to see them in action. But more impressive than a working model is their understanding of how this energy source works. I'm "blown away" by their hard work. (pun intended)  :-)  

Yesterday the students finished their 3D maps of Nevada, and though it was a messy...messy, project it was so much fun. And while they got their hands dirty they learned about the geography of Nevada. And again it's cool to see their models but even better to hear them describe how those land-features came to be. 

Can't wait for you to see these projects: Tues Dec, 17th 6:00-7:00

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Parent Support Group

GT Parent Connection invites you to a
“Parents of Gifted Children Support Group”
10-Week Session Begins January
The Parents of Gifted Children Support Group is structured to bring together 10 to 20 interested parents of gifted and talented children to discuss topics of common interest. The facilitator of the group does not attempt to give expert advice. The facilitation provides a non-judgmental and nurturing atmosphere. The parents of the high ability children are themselves a rich resource of information and are able to get fresh ideas from other parents and referenced materials.

The group will meet for 10 weeks starting in JANUARY 2014. Topics covered include:
· Characteristics of Gifted Children
· Communication: The Key to Relationships
· Motivation, Enthusiasm, and Underachievement
· Discipline and Self- Management
· Intensity, Perfectionism, and Stress
· Idealism and Unhappiness
· Acquaintances, Friends, and Peers
· Family Relationships
· Values, Traditions, and Uniqueness
· Complexities of Successful Parenting
The group facilitator is Monica Joyner, M.A ., NCC, MFT-I, CADC-I:
· Marriage and Family Therapist – Intern
· Alcohol and Drug Counselor – Intern
· Works with Children's Cabinet and American Comprehensive Counseling Services
· Co-facilitated two SENG parent support groups

To Join:
Contact Monica at or 775-525-1363 by December 15th

Donation of $100 per family for the 10 week session is requested. Pro bono cases will be considered

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Barnes and Noble Bookfair

Barnes and Noble 

WCSD – GATE Program
Friday, December 13, 2013
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Barnes & Noble
5555 S. Virginia Street, Reno

Come do your holiday shopping and help raise money for
the GATE  program & its wonderful students!

• 3:00 – 9:00 p.m. Book Signing by Distinguished Author David Slater
(Mr. Slater is one of our own GT teachers at Pine Middle School, come and meet him in person!)

• 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Staff Appreciation Tea
(Come have tea or coffee with your GATE teacher and director in the cafe! Cafe purchases also
benefit the GATE Program)

• 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Bring your children in pajamas for stories and popcorn while you shop!

Have family out of town who wants to support GATE in our Bookfair?
Visit BN.COM/bookfairs to support us 
online from 12/13/13 till 12/18/13 by entering Bookfair ID 11210747 at checkout.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Infinite Campus App

There is a VERY easy way for you to see your children's assignments/grades/attendance often!

On your smart phone just type in Infinite Campus to find the app. On my Android, it's called Campus Portal (I'm pretty sure it's called the same thing by Apple).  Download the app, enter your IC login and password and the code below for the District ID. And voilà... instant access. Under settings you can set up to be notified (or not) when assignments/attendance/grades are updated.

Infinite Campus Mobile Application

Infinite Campus has a mobile application available for both Android and IOS mobile operating systems

Friday, November 22, 2013

"The Project" Semester 1

Dear Parents,                                                                                Click HERE to view original document

As you know the students have been working very hard this year on (what they’ve titled) “The Project.” I wanted to give you some information about what the project is and what will be happening over the next few weeks. The question the students will have to answer during the presentation is:

How does force affect the landscape and people of Nevada Past and Present?

In Science the students have learned about the laws of motion and how force from earthquakes changes landforms. They are also going to study how force from moving water or wind can create power and how that effects people in Nevada.
In Social Studies the students have learned about how a different type of force affected the relationship between the interactions of the Pioneers and American Indians. They have learned how to cite evidence from text to support answers. They are also going to learn about mining and how this is beneficial to Nevadans and can also affect the landscape.
On December 17th the students and their partners will be presenting information on these topics as they explain how force affects the landscape and people of Nevada Past and Present.
Below is a calendar to show what we will be working on in the next few weeks. If you would like to get involved here are some ways:

-Chaperone the fieldtrip to UNR on Dec. 3rd
-Volunteer in class the day the students build their models of hydroelectric and wind generators on Dec. 4th.
-Volunteer in class as students practice their presentations to give them constructive feedback on Dec. 12-13
-Volunteer in class the day the students make their 3D maps of Nevada Dec. 6th and 9th.
-Volunteer to be a panel member scoring the student’s presentations, asking reflective questions to the groups, and providing feedback. If you’re not interested but know someone who would please have them email me.  **Presenting to an authentic audience is a vital piece of these projects. It allows the students have experience speaking and interacting with an audience.

Nov. 25

Nov. 26
Nov. 27
Thanksgiving Break

Nov. 28
Thanksgiving Break

Nov. 29
Thanksgiving Break

Dec. 2

Dec. 3
UNR Field trip

Dec. 4
Building Generators
Dec. 5
Dec. 6
Make 3D Map of Nevada
Dec. 9
Finish 3D Map
Dec. 10
Practice Presentation
Dec. 11
Practice Presentation
Dec. 12
Practice Presentation
Dec. 13
Practice Presentation
Dec. 16
Practice Presentation

Dec. 17
Night 6:00-7:00

Dec. 18
Dec. 19
Holiday Party
Dec. 20
No School
Winter break begins

UNR Field Trip

                       Click HERE to access this form                    

            UNR Field Trip        
Whitehead ¾ SWAS

When: December 3rd 9:30-1:30
9:30 Leave Whitehead
10:00-11:00 Mackay School of Mines: tour with information about mining in Nevada
            11:00-11:30 Mackay School of Mines: Speaker- How mining effects the environment.
            11:30-12:00 Lunch in Student Union
            12:00-1:00 Geography Department- map making
            1:30 Return to Whitehead
1:45-3:00 Students will prepare for their Socratic Seminar the following day on the topic: Mining beneficial or detrimental?

The Focus this semester has been this Driving Question: How does force affect the landscape and people of Nevada, past and present? The students will be gaining pertinent information this day they will use to support their answer to this question on Presentation Night, December 17th.

If you would like to help chaperon on the field trip, and have completed the parent volunteer paper work required by the district, please let me know.

I look forward to this amazing experience!
Mrs. Hoffman                                   

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wonderful Resources!!!! Must Read

Last weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to hear Dr. Rimm speak. I was in awe listening to what she had to say about gifted children. Every other sentence she spoke I was internally whooping , "I know a kid who thinks like that! I know I kid who acts like that! I know parents who'd love to hear this!" 

I've included in this post, a list of articles on her site that you would love to read. I've also included a picture of one of her books. Though the topic might not pertain to you or your child, others will benefit from reading it. 

"Dr. Rimm is a welcome voice of calm and reason— someone who offers practical advice, with almost immediate results. She’s a guardian angel for families who need a little or a lot of guidance." — says Katie Couric, former NBC Today show host.

(Go to the site to access the articles)

Titles of Dr. Rimm's Articles for Parents and Teachers:

Why Bright Kids get Poor Grades

Guiding Anxious Children Toward Achievement and Confidence




Gender Effects on Achievement
Helping Girls Build Optimism and Resilience-"The I Can Girl" 
Encouraging Strength and Sensitivity in our Boys and Girls
Raising Amazing Boys
Take Our Daughters to Work - And Take Our Sons Too
How Jane Won

Whitehead T-Shirts

Whitehead Spirit Wear for sale starting today !! 

Orders made by Dec 4th to the school office, will be here in time for Christmas. 

Your child is bringing home a green flyer today with the information. 

T-shirts , long sleeve t-shirts or sweatshirts.
Child and adult sizes
Purple, grey, or white

Please make checks out to Jerry Whitehead Elementary School. 

Show your school spirit !!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Amazing Opportunity!

Dr. Sylvia Rimm
2-Day Speaking Engagement (November 15 & 16, 2013)

Please join us at these events:
"Understanding the Emotional
Impact of GT"
by Dr. Sylvia Rimm

“Conversations About Being Gifted:
A Workshop for Students”
by local psychologists
Melanie Crawford, Ph.D., Susan
Ayarbe, Ph.D. & Brie Moore, Ph.D.

“How to Understand Our GT
Children & Help Them Maximize
Their Gift”
by Dr. Sylvia Rimm

McQueen High School Auditorium
6055 Lancer St, Reno

About Dr. Rimm:
researcher on GT children – their parenting
and their education
Pediatrics, Case Western Reserve University
School of Medicine,
FOUNDER & DIRECTOR of Sylvia Rimm's
Family Achievement Clinic, Inc., OH & WI,
COUNSELOR (Part-time), Menlo Park
Academy, 2010-Present
DIRECTOR, Educational Assessment Service,
Inc., Watertown, Wisconsin, 1973-present
NBC’s Today Show for 9 years
PSYCHOLOGY, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin

Books Written:
See Jane Win -New York Times Best-seller
• How Jane Won
• Dr. Sylvia Rimm's Smart Parenting: How to Raise a Happy
Achieving Child
• How to Parent So Children Will Learn: Strategies For Raising
Happy, Achieving Children
• Growing Up Too Fast: The Rimm Report on the Secret
World of America's Middle Schoolers
• Underachievement Syndrome: Causes and Cures
• Why Bright Kids Get Poor Grades And What You Can Do
About It
• Education of the Gifted and Talented
• Gifted Kids Have Feelings Too
• Sylvia Rimm on Raising Kids

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Yikes...bad spelling!

Thank you so much to my student editor, who brought to my attention all my spelling errors on the last post. I am always open to help with spelling and apologize to you for my mistakes! Thanks again student editor!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Welcome Mrs. Jordan

I'd like to officially welcome Mrs. Denice Jordan to our class! Many of you may already know Mrs. Jordan, she is a mother to one of our students, and has been a substitute for our Whitehead SWAS classes for awhile now.

When we received the unfortunate news about not getting a second teacher for our 3/4 class, I asked Ms. Riggs if it would be possible to get a half time aid and she graciously agreed. Yay! Mrs. Jordan will be with us several days a week. With her experience as a former teacher, she will be a tremendous asset to our class. She will assist in working with individual students, small groups and even whole class activities at times. She also brings a wealth of first hand knowledge of the types of needs our precious students have. She is patient, understanding and kind. I am so thrilled to have her with us! I am very excited to see how much quicker and deeper we will be able to go with new content, I know that our students are doing to benefit greatly with her presence in our class.

Classroom help

There are a few things I would love some help with and I have had several parents offer to help out in anyway they can, so I'm going to throw out my "wish list". Please do not feel obligated to help, but if you have the time and interest feel free to send me an email. Some of these things you can do from home at your leaser. No pressure... I just appreciate you offering!
1. Math games- We do Math groups and one rotation does games. Everyday Math (a curriculum that general ed. classes do) has lots of fun games that reinforce math concepts. I'll show you the games I'd like and you can have at it, making copies, game boards, gathering and assembling pieces.
2. Prize Box items- we have a positive reward system in class and one reward student groups can choose is prize box. I would love for someone to go online to Oriental Trading Co. (or another similar site with cheep but fun prizes) and put together an order. If you do this in our classroom I can then pay for it online.
3. Handwriting Packets- I am going to do some handwriting packets for the kids to work on at home, that includes both manuscript as well as cursive. I'd love help making these copies and assembling the packets.
4. Student support for presentations- During the week of December 9-13 the students will be practicing for their presentations. I'd love for parents to come in to watch the students practice and give constructive feedback. They get so nervous and practice make perfect!
5. Popsicle sticks- I'd so appreciate it if anyone had time to get the oversized Popsicle sticks (the big thick ones) and write each student's name on one. I will use these sticks for many different activities in class. I will reimburse you for the cost of the sticks.

Thanks in advance for all your help!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Guest Speaker

The students are working very hard on learning content they will include in their presentation on December 17th. We have been learning about Motion, Weathering & Erosion, and Force from Earthquakes creating land forms. Today we had a quest speaker from UNR's seismology lab. Mrs. Koon taught the students about force and earthquakes, how it effects land forms as well as how people can prevent hazards from these natural disasters.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


I want to review the purpose and method of doing Problem of the Week. First of all let me say this process will be changing.  Doing Problems of the Week is a SWAS expectation, and all of us are expected to be doing this with our classes. (however the process in which we do this is varied). My initial method and purpose was for it to be an independent challenge...something the students would be able to work through at home throughout the week- with help at school when needed- but that is changing. I'm going to change the process so I will introduce the POW's whole class and walk them through the problems with a few hints on Monday. Then the kids can go home and try to finish them on their own at home.

I know these have been really hard for some of the kiddos! In fact I didn't even grade the first two weeks worth and I'll just give participation points this week for kids if they attempted the problems.

I'm sorry for the frustration this has caused. I want these real life, complex problems to be something fun and challenging for the kids to do. It will help them apply the variety of math concepts they learn into real world situations...but my process does need to be tweaked. Thanks so much for your support and patience! We will get it worked out soon. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Field Trip to Carson

Field Trip to Carson City
Dear Parents,
This year in fourth grade your child has been on a great adventure learning about their home state. They have learned much about Nevada’s history, including Historic Native Tribes, Early Explorers, Native American Indians, and Symbols representing Nevada.
          In celebration of our studies, we will be taking a field trip Tuesday, November 19, 2013 to Carson City to tour the Nevada State Museum and Governor’s Mansion.  We will leave school at 9:15a.m and arrive back to school at 1:45p.m. Lunch will be at the Governor’s Mansion.  A  mid- morning snack will be provided to the students while in Carson City.
          If you would like to help chaperone on this field trip, and have completed the parent volunteer paper work required by the district, please contact your child’s teacher.
Thank you for all your support this year!
Mrs. Moore                      Mrs. Ramos              Mrs. Hoffman

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

GT Events for Parents

GT Parent Connection invites you to a
Brown Bag Lunch with Lisa Riggs!

Bring your lunch and meet with your GATE Director/Principal Lisa Riggs at one of the local schools.
Mrs. Riggs will be preparing a short topic to cover at the beginning of the hour; reading material for parents, and resources for families. During the second half of the lunch, she will be available for some open discussion and questions about the GATE program provided for grades 2-12.

Thursday, Oct 10, 2013
Jessie Beck ES (Rm B-10) 1900 Sharon Way, Reno
Noon – 1:00pm

Thursday, Jan 17, 2014
Dilworth MS 255 Prater Way, Sparks
Noon – 1:00pm

For more information about our GT Parent Connection event, please visit


GT 101
All You Want to Know About WCSD GATE

Thursday, October 10, 2013
1065 Eagle Canyon Dr, Sparks

Whether you're a new family to WCSD's services for gifted learners, or a returning one, GT Parent Connection would like to invite you to our welcoming All You Want to Know About GATE event.
GATE Director/Principal, Lisa Riggs, will then be offering an overview of all GATE programming in WCSD and answering all your questions. GT Parent Connection explains the GT Community available to all Washoe County GT families.
For more information about our GT Parent Connection event, please visit

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday Book Talks

Thursday Book Talk
The Book Talk is based on a favorite book the students have read this year, which is grade-level appropriate.  Book Talk points are assigned by the book’s difficulty level, so the book must be approved by Mrs. Hoffman in advanced; bring it by for approval a few weeks ahead of the scheduled speech time.

To see when your child's Book Talk is scheduled click the "Class Calendar" in the top right hand side of the blog. 

Assignment Parts:
 1.      Glogster Presentation:  A presentation must be included in your talk.  It must be in addition to your speech, not repeating everything that you are saying.  Attractive design and attention-getting details are important.  Use at least 2 pictures or clips within your presentation that connect to the book.  The scanner, digital camera, and clips from the computers are available.  Include the title (underlined) and the author of the book in your presentation (title page).  This must be saved to a flash drive for the presentation, just in case internet is not working. Students have logins and passwords and have been on Glogster during computers at school. 

2.Outline:  The outline must be turned in before the speech.  It must be typed from the computer. (See example page)
      Start with a great lead statement
      Give a 1-5 sentence summary of the entire book
Part Two:  The Body

3.Talk:  Explain what the book is about (quickly) and your response to it.  Follow your memorized outline.  Practice your talk so that it can be given comfortably without any notes.  The talk itself should be approximately 10-15 minutes.  Since you will create a 5 section outline, use this format.

Part OneThe Introduction
      Make sure to mention the title and author
      Describe the setting
      Describe the main characters and how that character might have changed
      Describe other characters that are important to the main theme and plot
Part Three: Describe the problem of the story and how the main character goes about solving the problem.
      What is the theme and message of the story?
Part Four:  The conclusion
Does the book have any relevance to your life?
Why should someone read it (why was it your favorite)?
Part Five: Read a descriptive passage from your book. 

Where does it fit in your speech? Comment on why you chose that passage.

Click here to view the Book Talk documnets: example outline and scoring rubric

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Allergy Awareness!

Dear Parents:

A student in our class, David, has a life threatening peanut allergy. This means that this David’s allergy can cause him to go into anaphylactic shock.

We need your help in order to create an “allergy aware” classroom.

Here’s what you can do to help:
1. Avoid sending foods for the afternoon snack which contain nuts or peanut butter.

2. Check the classroom snack guide before bringing in classroom treats to share.
Below is a link with the pre-approved list of safe snack items that can be used as a guide of what to bring in the classroom.  David’s mom’s contact information is included on the snack guide, as well. You are more than welcome to contact her with any questions or to talk about snacks that are not listed. (Jane's number is #541-405-5574  Her e-mail is

3.  Before sending in any type of classroom treats (for birthdays or special events), please contact me ahead of time so we can ensure the treat is safe for everyone.

Thank you in advance for helping us keep the classroom safe and healthy for all of our students.

If you have any questions, contact me at any time.

Pre-Approved Lists

Click here to view the pre-approved lists

Monday, September 23, 2013

Student Birthday Celebrations

Our energetic and excited students took a poll on Edmodo to see when in the month they would like to celebrate student birthdays. The result was at the end of the month. This means towards the end of each month we will have a brief celebration for students who had a birthday that month. In no way do I want parents to feel obligated to do something for their child's birthday. However, if you would like to send in a little treat for the class, Mrs. Jane Owen has graciously volunteered to coordinate these treats. As you may or may not know her son David has a pretty severe allergy to peanuts. She has provided us with very helpful tools when buying treats or baking treats for students with nut allergies. I will post some helpful pages about these soon. You may bring in treats that are not included on these lists, but please do not bring in anything containing peanut butter (ie. Reese's cups, peanut butter sandwiches, peanut butter brownies etc.)

If you would like to contact Jane her e-mail is: JANEANNEOWEN@GMAIL.COM and phone number is 541-405-5574.

We will celebrate this Friday 2:30-3:00 for David, Bella, Abby and Eddie.

Cookie Dough Fundraiser

Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough Fundraiser
Dates: September 23rd- October 7th

The profits from our sale will fund our PE Teacher and technology for the classrooms. 

Make Checks payable to: Jerry Whitehead PFA
Collect Money at time of order: NO sales tax

Test Corrections

Tests can sometimes be a difficult task for students. The purpose of taking tests is for me to formally check in with the students to assess their progress. We are constantly doing informal assessments throughout the week, and these are not for grades. I want every child to be successful on the test. There are many different reasons why students may struggle with a test. If for some reason a student does not preform well they have a chance to make up the problems they missed for partial credit.  Students will ALWAYS be able to do test corrections (expect for their Project Presentations). They should do the corrections on a separate piece of paper, staple it do their test, and turn it in.

On the most recent Math fractions test, students will receive 1/2 of a point towards their original score for every answer they redo correctly.

It is the students responsibility to take the test home and do these corrections. Please feel free to e-mail if you have any questions.

Friday Speech Info.

Blow is a link to the three Friday Speech information pages. Directions page, Example outline, and Presentation Rubric.

Check the calendar on the right to check the date of your child's Friday Speech.

Friday Speech Information

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Conference Week Info:

School Confrences will be the week of October 28 - November 1. I will be sending out a sign-up sheet this Friday. You will mark your top three choices of days/times. I will do my best to get you the time you want. If for some reason you are unable to come in we can work somthing else out. Also- if your son/daughter is in the afterschool program this is a note from Sparks Parks and Recreation. Good Morning Sparks Schools, As the Recreation Supervisor in charge of the before and after school programs, I would like to thank you for your support of our programs in your school. I also wanted to let you know that due to staffing challenges, there will be no after school program at your school during conference week, October 28 – November 1. We are notifying the current program participants but I wanted to make sure you were also informed. There will be a program at our Recreation Gym facility from 12 p.m. – 6 p.m. during that week for parents that need a place for their child(ren). Parents will need to arrange for transportation to the facility if they wish to participate in this program. The before school program will operate as usual during this time. I am available during regular business hours at the number below should you have any questions or need to contact me for any reason. Thank you again for your support of our programs. Shauna Nelson Recreation Supervisor Sparks Parks & Recreation Department (775) 353-7815 (775) 353-2401 fax

SHARE- Information

There will be a parent preview night for SHARE (Sexuality, Health, And Responsibility Education) on Tuesday, October 22nd from 5:30-7:30 at Juniper Elementary. After the presentation Mrs. Elliott our school counselor, will be sending out parent permission slips so they the classes will be ready when she starts teaching. The dates we will be doing SHARE is 01/21-01/30.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Agenda Books

Agenda books are in. I know you have all seen them since I've stamped at least one of your signatures. Just a few quick reminders:

1. Students will need to read 20 minutes nightly, unless I sign that they don't need to read. There will be several ways the students will be held accountable for reading (book talks, book projects, class activities, Accelerated Reader, etc.)
2. Generally no assigned homework on the weekends, unless they are working on a Friday speech, Book Talk, or parts of a project.
3. Other Math, Reading, Science, and Social Studies homework is not assigned regularly. We do a lot in class, and most of it I want to scaffold for them. There will be times that they have Math pages for practice, Edmodo posting to interact with, or parts of a project to work on...but none of this is consistent so please make sure to look at the agenda books each night and sign them.

Let me know if you have any questions! I am here to help. :-)

Read Aloud Class/Family Activity

As 21st Century communication skills are an integral part of SWAS and the Common Core State Standards, we will be beginning a read aloud family journal based on the writings of Jim Trelease. Each week a different student will bring home the read aloud book Hey! Listen to This: Stories to Read Aloud by Jim Trealease. After choosing a story and reading aloud as a family, each family will add a journal entry to the class read aloud journal. You are welcome to read past entries and share your feelings and thoughts about the stories you read together. I have completed the first entry with my own family as an example. It is very important that each student return the book and the journal on the Friday of the week they receive it so that every family may have an opportunity to enjoy this project. Family time becomes a lost concept as we rush around and try to maintain our busy lives, so take this time to connect with your family and enjoy the forgotten power of a story read aloud.

Important Parts of the Blog

There are several important parts of the blog you should know about:

 1. Class Calendar- Click this to see: What times are open for you to come in and help out in the class (if there isn't a note that says parent helper- then that day is open), when students have their Friday Speeches; when students have their book talks; when we are on break; when we have field trips etc.

2. Our class bookshelf. This shows you all the books we have read or are currently reading as a class. Please talk to your child about these books. You passion for what they are learning will make their learning more fun.

3. GT Parent Resources. If you feel like you'd like to know more about being a parent of a Gifted child please check out some of these resource. Espically the Washoe County School District, GT Parent Connection. This resource is at your fingertips right here in Reno. (more information about GT Parent Connection to come)

4. Follow by email. I will continue to send out emails letting you know I've updated the blog. But if you'd like a quicker notification that something new is on the blog just enter your email....on the right hand side under "Follow by email."

Please let me know if you have any questions about anything on the blog.

Friday, August 30, 2013

School Fund Raising

Target is running a fundraising opportunity for schools, if you have a Facebook account, you may have seen it, called Give With Target. The school will earn $25 for the first 25 votes, and then will receive $1 more for each additional vote. If you do not have a Facebook account, you can also go to to place your vote (although I’m beginning to question if you need a Facebook, Twitter or Google+ acct.). We can vote once a week, I believe the contest will go until the $5 million they are donating is gone. Please encourage your parents to vote (Facebook, Twitter or Google+). I will be sending out a note as well to all of the PFA members who signed up and gave us email addresses. I’ve attached a flyer if you send your newsletter electronically. Thank you! Christine Chatham PFA President

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Friday Speeches

Sign Ups: You can post your date on Edmodo or
 on the class sign up sheet. 

The Friday Speech is based on your personal interests.  You choose your own topic.  Your topics will all be extremely varied- no two alike.  Some ideas for speeches are:  sports, travel, music, hobbies, and other subjects you are interested in or feel you know a lot about.  You must check with Mrs. Hoffman before signing up for a specific topic.

Assignment Parts:

1.      Prezi Presentation:  A presentation must be included in your talk.  It must be in addition to your speech, not repeating everything that you are saying.  Attractive design and attention-getting details are important.  Use at least 5 pictures or clips within your presentation that connect to the subject.  The scanner, digital camera, and clips from the computers are available.  The Prezi must be saved to a flash drive for the speech.

2.      Outline:  The outline must be turned in before the speech.  It must be typed from the computer.  (See example page)

3.      Speech:  Practice your speech so that it can be given comfortably without outline or notes.  You will give your speech from 2:15-2:45 on Fridays.  The speech itself should be approximately 15-20 minutes.

4.      Treat:  A treat may be provided for the class.  You may want to theme the treat.  (i.e.  speech on China and a treat of fortune cookies!) *Please be mindful of students with nut allergies.

What is a Prezi? Check it out...